Learn everything about the voidminers’ people (however defined) in order to judge them morally and, if they do not pass judgment, cleanse the cosmos of them.
- Metabolism
- Carbon-based heterotroph: lives off of other living things.
- Intelligence
- Some sapience, but limited (like a human child aged 8–22).
- Reproductive Proclivities
- Cenobitic: [REDACTED].
- Senses
- Only senses via touch, sound or smell, and X, where X is a sensation that humans cannot understand.
- Body Plan
- Liquid or flat.
- Size
- Medium, human-sized.
- Color
- Reflects 100% of light
- Attacks
- Simple natural attacks for d20 damage per limb. (If limbless, the alien has a single Weird attack for d30 HEA and d6 GRT damage.)
- Defenses
- DR 3, sophisticated armor (if intelligent) or menacing shell/hide (if dumb): every target in melee with this alien takes d6 damage per round from its defenses
Single awesome power (teleport once per round for free, freeze one opponent to death per round [resist with WIL], charm one sapient at a time [no resist], etc.), plus flight.