Basic—sex (depending on reproductive proclivities), food (depending on metabolism), simple entertainment (depending on intelligence).
- Metabolism
- Not from this universe: requires nothing from the environment other than its existence, which it is locally “eating” away at.
- Intelligence
- Some sapience, but limited (like a human child aged 8–22).
- Reproductive Proclivities
- None: does not reproduce or does so asexually.
- Senses
- Only senses via touch, sound or smell, and X, where X is a sensation that humans cannot understand.
- Body Plan
- Liquid or flat.
- Size
- Medium, human-sized.
- Color
- Absorbs 100% of light
- Attacks
- Two simple attacks for d20 damage each
- One mega attack (giant shark-jaw bite, firehose vomit of toxic chemicals, advanced shoulder-mounted coilgun battery) that kills instantly if successful and inflicts d20 damage if not. All PCs who see other PCs die in this gruesome manner must make a WIL check or flee immediately.
- Defenses
- Has MOV d20 and DR 2 naturally
- if intelligent, also wears mecha suit that adds an additional DR 4 (for DR 6 total) and allows for flight
This alien also terrifies all earthlike fauna that can sense it (they gain the condition frightened).
TACTICS: Dive in, Knock out, Slay, Give orders;
HELLSCIENCE: Summon stray, Commune