Conquer Spindle, Terra, or a major province (whichever the voidminers most identify with).
- Metabolism
- Carbon-based autotroph: lives off of methane or sunlight.
- Intelligence
- Sensory, plantlike.
- Reproductive Proclivities
- Has no function other than to replicate, like a virus.
- Senses
- Only senses via touch, sound or smell, and X, where X is a sensation that humans cannot understand.
- Body Plan
- Crablike.
- Size
- Medium, human-sized.
- Color
- A color out of time and space, a color defying human description (“dolm,” “ulphire,” “grue,” e.g.)
- Attacks
- Two attacks per limb per combatant per round for d10 damage each
- Successful attacks inflict bleed or acidic burn 1.
- Defenses
- Has MOV d20 and DR 2 naturally
- if intelligent, also wears mecha suit that adds an additional DR 4 (for DR 6 total) and allows for flight
This alien also terrifies all earthlike fauna that can sense it (they gain the condition frightened).
TACTICS: Give orders, Train weapon, See red, Maximize;
HELLSCIENCE: Dowse, Glisten