giant riding gerbil
1 per rider or 4d6 (clan)
- com
- d3
- mov
- d8
- rea
- 1
- wil
- 1 (or as rider)
- cha
- d4+1
- hea
- 10
- grt
- 5
- DR
- 0
- Squeaking loudly at another jird, or you
- Digging into "the sand" (whatever the ground is)
- Playfully balling up/kicking/wrestling
- Survival
- Kick, d6 damage plus stun 1—although a jird always prefers to flee rather than fight.
Story notes
Jirds—trapped in the wild and then kept in large iron domes—are prized in regions of Terra with low annual rainfall. Jird prices depend on the economies in which they are trapped and then bred. In the Wastes of Pala, on Terra, a jird is typically worth 4d100 gl. On Latura, a jird may be worth twice as much. Jirds are too big to keep on-Spin.