land-dwelling apex ontovore
- com
- d10
- mov
- d10
- rea
- d4
- wil
- d12
- cha
- 0
- hea
- 22
- grt
- 16
- DR
- 1
- (rubbery skin)
- Snapping apart bones in its beak (deg bones? human?)
- Fluttering through the canopies after a family of birds
- Slowly dressing its rubbery skin in gray leaves
- Sociopathic individualism
- Spiny tentacles, d10 damage plus draining. Each hit drains d6 GRT from the target to the squid.
Sneaky – Bonus of +3 to MOV/sneak checks.
- Flight (free)
- Ink (standard) – A gristlesquid can burn d8 GRT to spray steaming, dark green ink in a 5-M-wide cone; anything in the cone suffers disadvantage on COM and MOV rolls until spending a round wiping off the ink.
- None.
Story notes
The bag-like, tentacled organisms called gristlesquid never stop growing in size as they age, although their rate of growth slows. Most adults encountered in the woods today are between 3 and 6 M in height and less than 2 M in width (and thin-skinned). A gristlesquid always tries to ambush targets. If it loses half of its health, it flies into the nearest tree and sprays ink.