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Seven Glyph Leaper

Seven Glyph Leaper
Place of origin
Spin, Malteni
You race bicycles around an indoor track on-Spin, or along winding roads in the provinces.
You have advantage on MOV/drive (cycling) as well as MOV/run checks, but not MOV/pilot (flying) checks.
You have disadvantage on resisting hunger and thirst, since you consume many more calories than the average voidminer.
High status
A high-ranking wetan mafioso. (Archival connections.).
Low status
Hardware marchand.
You fulfill your telos when you truly put yourself in harm’s way in order to improve yourself.

Class powers

Tack (Standard)
Open, close, or change the destination of a stiffworks. Costs and mechanics vary by the works. Open stiffworks remain open for 10 minutes per tack… usually. Some stiffworks may be retacked (i.e., their destinations changed), although this varies by type.
Dive (Standard)
The ship is on fire—you have to get your party through the stuck bulkhead before the O2 combusts! (Or whatever!) This is your big getaway power. Burn 6 GRT and make a MOV check: if you succeed, you and some or all of your party make it out safely. You can bring 1 +your level humanoid-sized beings along with you to safety, or burn an additional 6 GRT to bring one additional being beyond your limit. Small sapient beings (0.5-M tall/long) count for half a slot; large sapes (3-M tall/long) count double; small pets (cat/beagle-sized) are free. If you fail your MOV check, you alone get away but injure yourself for 2d6 HEA damage.
Jack (Standard)
Use, alter, or repair tech. Burn XY GRT, where X is the stratum (type) of tech (ranked 1–7, clank [medieval], bio [contemporary on-Spin], code [Ancient, Early Tephnian], force [High Tephnian], nano [Late Tephnian, Snakeman], bug [cryptocerid, heechee, mantid, mi-go], Escheresque) and Y is the level of complexity (ranked 1–6, simple, standard, complex, corporate, military, godlike). Thus, a force artifact of standard complexity costs 4 × 2 = 8 GRT to interact with. Once this cost has been paid, the artifact functions as designed, within reason. A laser (standard force) keeps firing until it runs out of juice, which is up to the GM to determine (e.g., d20 charges). Repowering requires access to the appropriate resources and an additional use of this power.
Interface (Standard)
Burn d10 GRT to tap into any comm system (any code-stratum archaetech), or to communicate with any AI or otherwise informatic being. Using this power requires no roll, and it obviates the need to spend copious GRT on jack.

Species powers

Arthropod (Permanent)
You gain a permanent bonus of +1 MOV.
Mandibles, spiracles, etc (2 round)
You can metabolize a much greater range of chemicals than hominins, only a few of which are cognizable to them as “food”—from rotting fungusbark to human-urine energy shots. Whenever you encounter something possibly edible, make a WIL/resist world check. Take that result and roll as many d4s. For every resulting 4, you regain 1 point of pool, assigned to HEA or GRT as you like. (The GM gets final say on what things around you might be “edible,” but they should be generous!) Eating possible-food takes at least 20 seconds (two rounds).
Big spiky hard-shelled bug (Permanent)
You gain a permanent bonus of +1 COM.


Thin steel rod
Makes an acceptable mini-spear when one end is sharpened.
Shotgun, slug
Normally two-handed. If you shoot one-handed, you suffer a −1 to hit. Doubles as a club.


  • None.


You are searching for your lost sibling. When and where did you last see them? Do you think your refactor has some clue as to their whereabouts? Why is the Co. holding this information from you? Why did you part on poor terms with this belovèd sibling?


  • Perfect Environment Suit
  • Sample Collection Kit
  • 160 gl

Oddments and archaetech

Found oddment
Beautiful geode (mesmerizes children for 1 round).