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Laugh Star Rustler

Laugh Star Rustler
Place of origin
Spin, Calaș
You find and sell antique bits and bobs for a living.
You have advantage on WIL/perceive checks while in technoruins, including hulks and Spindle but not the "wild" of the Escheresque.
You have disadvantage on WIL/perceive checks in primarily organic environments.
High status
The leader of a Terran gang/mercenary company. (Terran–political connections.).
Low status
You fulfill your telos when you learn The True Facts (about whatever).

Class powers

Con (Standard)
Burn 4 GRT and tell a lie: everyone believes it, no check required. This is not a weird power and won’t work forever, if the lie is unreasonable or can be disproved, but it will allow you to fool anyone briefly.
Steal (Standard)
Name a stealable object—or overhearable or glance-at-able phrase or password, etc.—and burn d8 GRT. Roll a dMOV +your level check. If you succeed, you steal the thing without being caught. If you fail, the entity from whom you’re stealing makes a dWIL check: if they succeed, they catch you; if they fail, you still didn’t steal the thing, but at least you didn’t get caught. A 1 is always a failure.
Vanish (Free)
Once per round, you may simply disappear. Burn 7 GRT: you vanish into the air or void around you, undetectable by anyone except through the use of Weird powers, no matter how implausible this seems. Simply describe what happens in detail. N.B., this power does not count as a standard action and can be used once per round in addition to attacking or parrying (etc.). You remain perfectly hidden until you attack, speak, use any power with a visible effect, or otherwise give away your presence.
Wriggle through (Standard)
Whenever you are under dire stress and/or the threat of imminent demise, you can choose to drop anything on your person heavier than a small bag/item of clothing and flee. This means abandoning all weapons and bulky armor (living armor and nanotech armor is okay). If you do so, you escape and live, regardless of the logical contortions required by the GM.

Species powers

Arthropod (Permanent)
You gain a permanent bonus of +1 MOV.
Mandibles, spiracles, etc (2 round)
You can metabolize a much greater range of chemicals than hominins, only a few of which are cognizable to them as “food”—from rotting fungusbark to human-urine energy shots. Whenever you encounter something possibly edible, make a WIL/resist world check. Take that result and roll as many d4s. For every resulting 4, you regain 1 point of pool, assigned to HEA or GRT as you like. (The GM gets final say on what things around you might be “edible,” but they should be generous!) Eating possible-food takes at least 20 seconds (two rounds).
Somnolent sawharp legs (Standard)
Burn 4X GRT and roll CHA; X targets roll WIL. For each target, if your result is equal to or greater than theirs, you put them into a light, trancelike sleep for maxCHA rounds, if they weren’t hostile (attacking you). To lull X hostile beings to sleep, burn 4X GRT and roll CHA; they resist with advantage (rolling WIL twice and taking the best result).


Rock, hurled


  • None.


You have a secret higher-dimensional pet or friend (even you are not entirely sure how intelligent it is) that follows you everywhere and gives you sound advice. No one else can detect this entity, and you can't "see" it, exactly. But you are (fairly) sure it's real. Do you ever mention it? When did it appear?


  • 140 gl

Oddments and archaetech

Found oddment
Cone-shaped ruff of extremely strong metal.