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Pepper elf
Place of origin
Guildship 182
Spin, Elf Machina
You race bicycles around an indoor track on-Spin, or along winding roads in the provinces.
You have advantage on MOV/drive (cycling) as well as MOV/run checks, but not MOV/pilot (flying) checks.
You have disadvantage on resisting hunger and thirst, since you consume many more calories than the average voidminer.
High status
An Archivist–physician. (Archival connections.).
Low status
Chandler (marchand) trading uncommon goods.
You fulfill your telos when you help someone else in need.

Class powers

Heal (Standard)
You practice trauma medicine, using your training and a small kit of advanced medi-gewgaws. Burn X GRT and treat a person, you or someone else: that person regains X +your level HEA. Healing also cures bleed, burn, stun, and other non-Weird conditions. Heal can be used on someone with 0 HEA: in this case, the person receiving healing wakes up, groggy and weak, and can act. In any given 24-hour period, heal can only be used on the same person twice (whether by you or you and another healer).
Ætherspeak (Standard)
Burn X GRT, minimum 2: you connect X minds together telepathically for your level +X minutes. These minds can communicate regardless of language and substrate (neurons vs. silicon wafers, e.g.). They needn’t be fully sapient, but they must be sentient. (I.e., you can get a sense of what a velociraptor is thinking—although that “conversation” will feel extremely chaotic—but you can’t talk to a piece of steel rebar.)
Regenerate (Standard)
If selected, this power replaces heal. You have advanced training as a physician. Burn 2X GRT: you recover or another being recovers 3X +your level HEA, or another being recovers 2X GRT, your choice. Either way, you feel rejuvenated by your work and gain a +1 to your next roll. Regenerate can be used on someone with 0 HEA.
Extend self (Standard/Ongoing)
You concentrate, burn d8 GRT, and send out from your core an ætherial hand: this can pick up any small object—up to a number of Kg equal to your level—and move it slowly but inexorably toward any being on the same planetoid as you. The object can be a note, a poisoned dart, a scientific sample, an oddment—anything small. It will eventually find the target and bump into her, regardless of how long this takes. You do not have to concentrate to keep the extended self moving, and it cannot be stopped by non-Weird means. The time required for it to reach your target is 4d6 hours −your level. You can burn an additional Xd8 GRT to reduce the number of hours by X.

Species powers

Environmental resistance (Permanent)
You are informatic. You don’t have to breathe air, and you can withstand the wild temperature and pressure swings of the vacuum. You cannot survive strong acid, lava, astral hydrogen plasma, etc., any more than any other species.
Rationally designed (Permanent)
You gain a permanent bonus of +1 REA.
Black crustallone skyn (Permanent)
You have damage reduction (DR) 3 from non-force weapons, but you make everyone slightly afraid all the time (−1 to relevant CHA rolls).


With 10 stones.
Butter knife
Pistol, horse
0.69-caliber ball, flintlock. After you have attacked once, you must spend one round reloading.


  • None.


You snuck or stumbled into the fabled Cryosoleum of the Founding Five (Most Vile) Directors Prime. Your own sensory organs confirmed that the legends are real: the Founding Five only sleep, perhaps dreaming, perhaps extending their reach through the directors who walk the blobs of Upmost today.


  • Doctor's bag with useful medicines
  • Sample collection kit
  • 1 thinkyboost pills
  • 1 stimtenyl strips
  • 220 gl

Oddments and archaetech

Found oddment
4 large scented candles (“Anchspice” flavor).