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Provincial (Calaș)
Place of origin
Spin, Calaș
You perform in some low way (as a clown, dancer, singer, or—worst of all—standup).
You have advantage on CHA checks to distract or entertain (not to seduce).
You have disadvantage on CHA checks to appear convincing and serious, to sell important lies.
High status
A provincial artist of renown. (provincial–cultural connections.).
Low status
Drug maker.
You fulfill your telos when you protect yourself at all cost.

Class powers

Smooth over (Standard)
You can calmly smooth over misunderstandings—the kind that doom many planetside runs: burn 3 GRT for an easily remedied bad situation (difficulty 5 CHA check), 5 for a difficult one (difficulty 6), and 7 for a nearly impossible one (difficulty 7). Roll a CHA check. If you succeed, all works out (for now—you can always re-blunder). If you fail, roll another CHA check: success on this one means you haven’t made the situation worse; failure incites your interlocutors to attack immediately. In actual game play, this is arguably the single most useful class power!
Conduct ritual (Standard/hour/day)
You participate in an important local ritual: this could be a religious service, an election, a marriage, etc. The time requirement depends on the ritual but is typically one hour and never less than one round. It must be logically possible for you to lead this ritual. (You can bend but not break narrative logic here; GM’s discretion.) Burn X GRT and choose an effect: 1) Religious rite (standard) – Everyone involved except you gains 2X GRT. This GRT can stack beyond their normal limits. 2) Romantic nudge/ban (hour) – A sapient person (not a beast or non-sapient machine) of X or lower level falls in or out of love with someone else. You have total control over the basic change in affect that you want to happen; you do not have total control over how this plays out for the nudged/banned individuals. 3) Political event (day)– You gain the loyalty and social capital of 100X locals for X days. They will do your bidding within reason, including fight for you. They will give up if faced with obviously superior firepower or numbers, however, unless you conduct a second ritual to steel their resolve.
Read (Standard)
Regardless of what you’re encountering, if it’s kinda humanoid at all, you can quickly get a good sense of who they are, what they want, and how to communicate with them. Burn 4 GRT and make a REA check: if you succeed, you establish lasting contact. If you fail, you establish some sort of contact but anger your new friends in doing so. The GM should raise the difficulty of the REA check to 7 if the entities you’re reading are already suspicious, or 9 if they are hostile.
Find clue (Standard/once per session)
Once per venture, you find something useful, plot-wise. This takes at least some brief searching. You can find a clue regarding whichever plot you want, but you should make your choice clear to the GM. This clue is much more specific than knowledge gleaned from the Archive: you don’t necessarily understand the bigger picture, but you know what you need to do next.

Species powers

Provincial Homeworld: Calarash (Permanent)
This hot, primarily oceanic world is home to a Carvolian province. Their rulers, the autocratic trade council called the Kemmerath, are increasingly rivals of the Directorate. Calarash is home to sapients called dolphinoids. You speak Spin and Calaș. You begin with +6d12 gl.
Subject of empire (Permanent)
You gain a permanent bonus of +1 WIL.


Rock, hurled
Hunting knife, rusting to bits
Blade snaps off at the handle on a roll of 1 to attack.
Pistol, pepperbox
0.32-caliber, four-barreled. You can attack up to 4 times per round. Whenever you have attacked 4 times, you are out of bullets and must spend one round reloading.


  • None.


You have a secret higher-dimensional pet or friend (even you are not entirely sure how intelligent it is) that follows you everywhere and gives you sound advice. No one else can detect this entity, and you can't "see" it, exactly. But you are (fairly) sure it's real. Do you ever mention it? When did it appear?


  • a book or a set of pamphlets about a world of your choice
  • 190 gl

Oddments and archaetech

Found oddment
Jar of granmère’s hooch.