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Place of origin
Spin, Rasp (phrases)
You are a normcore provincial farmer: each day, you complete a series of domestic tasks involving space butter and void cabbage, or something along those lines.
You have advantage on CHA checks to blend in or get away without being noticed (not MOV/sneak checks).
You have disadvantage on CHA/intimidate checks.
High status
An angry former spouse and fellow hell scientist who, however, still cares for you. (unique Weird connections.).
Low status
Bike racer.
You fulfill your telos when you amass control over others.

Class powers

Evoke (Free)
Hell science is the evolution of consciousness—the merger of the human imagination with physical reality. Hell scientists use their imaginations to sculpt timespace. Thanks to some terrible mutation, you can control the Weird. You can use hell science powers that you don’t even know about. Instead of using a Weird power you actually understand (that is, using the power channel hell science, below), name the power you want to use. Then, as a free action, burn d20 GRT and make a WIL check. If you succeed, you may use the power as described, paying the associated GRT cost. Also, your eyes glow, your breath mists with electrified blood, and so forth. If you fail, you don’t lose your action for the round (trying is a free action), but you do lose the d20 GRT. Note: using a power once does not teach you how to safely do so again!
Channel hell science (Varies)
You begin play with 2 hell science powers, chosen freely from any of the 6 paths. Each time you gain a level, you can gain 1 more hell science power. Almost all hell science powers cost GRT to use. The psyonic equivalent of COM is REA, unless otherwise stated. When you psychically attack someone, your opponent rolls WIL instead of MOV to resist (to mentally “dodge”). N.B., most people tend to be very suspicious of other people who can bend timespace simply by thinking.
Surge (Special/free)
You can use hell science powers in ways that defy the understanding of even the most erudite Senior Archivists: when using a hell science power, burn the requisite GRT +X more GRT, where X is equal to or less than your level × 3. The effect of the power is now +X, whether that applies to damage, damage reduction, duration in minutes or hours, or any other measurable effect. If the effect is not measurable, it is qualitatively amplified a ginormous amount. X minutes after using the power, you feel weak and cannot use any Weird power for X rounds. During this time, you smell sweaty and can’t speak clearly.
Envenom (Free)
Burn 4X GRT: after your next successful attack with a non-gun weapon, your target rolls a normal WIL check at −X. If they fail, she is completely paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to your level +1.

Species powers

Company soul (Permanent)
You gain +125 voidguilders at character creation.
Modern (Permanent)
You gain a +1 bonus on rolls related to clank-, code-, or force-stratum tech.
Voidborn (Permanent)
Whenever the GM requires you to roll a WIL check because something in space is scary, you gain a +1 to the roll and don’t appear as phased as non-Fleeter characters. This does not apply to Escheresque nausea.
Arkheion access (Permanent)
You gain a permanent bonus of +1 REA.

hell science powers (Hell science)

Cloak (Standard)
Burn 5 GRT: you become invisible to non-Weird detection for a number of minutes equal to 5 +your level. As long as you are reasonably quiet, you don't have to make sneak checks. As soon as you attack or otherwise reveal your location, the cloaking is no longer as effective, but continues to give you a +3 to sneak checks and +1 to dodge. You can use non-explosive hell science powers while cloaked.
Extract (2 Round)
Burn 2d4 GRT and interrogate a number of captives equal to or less than your level: you gain whatever information you want from your detainees. They cannot resist. This power does not take particularly long to work, but it takes more than one round. Interrogation this severe always involves some amount of physical damage to the detainee(s), but it is up to you and your group how deeply you want to descend into the specifics.


Upholstery hammer
Pistol, modern, Magnum


  • None.


You are searching for the lover who abandoned you. When and where did you last seem them? What will you say to them when you find them?


  • 180 gl

Oddments and archaetech

Found oddment
Sachet of yellow powder. If thrown into the wind on an earthlike world, it causes a terrible rainstorm. 1 use. Worth 99 gl.