- Name
- Norqolt
- Class
- Jackal
- 1
- Species
- Fleeter
- Place of origin
- Spindle
- Languages
- Spin, Rasp (phrases)
- Hustle
- Bountyhunter
- You find wanted criminals and capture or murder them for a living.
- Advantage
- When you’re on a job, you have advantage on checks related to tracking and sneaking (you don’t enjoy these bonuses at other times, though). You also enjoy a close relationship with at least one high-up refactor (this is both good and bad).
- Disadvantage
- You have disadvantage on checks related to non-bounty-related threats, such as the wiles of mysterious strangers.
- Kin
- High status
- The leader of a Terran gang/mercenary company. (Terran–political connections.).
- Low status
- Upcycler (remaker).
- Teloi
- Knowledge
- You fulfill your telos when you learn The True Facts (about whatever).
- d8
- d12
- d4
- d10
- d8+1
- Health (HEA)
- 20
- Grit (GRT)
- 21
Class powers
- Con (Standard)
- Burn 4 GRT and tell a lie: everyone believes it, no check required. This is not a weird power and won’t work forever, if the lie is unreasonable or can be disproved, but it will allow you to fool anyone briefly.
- Vanish (Free)
- Once per round, you may simply disappear. Burn 7 GRT: you vanish into the air or void around you, undetectable by anyone except through the use of Weird powers, no matter how implausible this seems. Simply describe what happens in detail. N.B., this power does not count as a standard action and can be used once per round in addition to attacking or parrying (etc.). You remain perfectly hidden until you attack, speak, use any power with a visible effect, or otherwise give away your presence.
- Steal (Standard)
- Name a stealable object—or overhearable or glance-at-able phrase or password, etc.—and burn d8 GRT. Roll a dMOV +your level check. If you succeed, you steal the thing without being caught. If you fail, the entity from whom you’re stealing makes a dWIL check: if they succeed, they catch you; if they fail, you still didn’t steal the thing, but at least you didn’t get caught. A 1 is always a failure.
- Murder (Standard)
- Sidebar with the GM: hatch a plot to kill one target (this may be anyone, NPC or PC), and then burn X GRT. The plot must make some kind of sense. It takes at least one round of concerted effort to conceive, at best. X must be greater than the level of the target, minimum 2. Whenever the time is right, roll dCOM to attack the target (even if you’re using poison, etc.). This roll can be signaled secretly to the GM using a pre-arranged signal. (“I roll to parry” = murder.) The target rolls dMOV or dWIL to resist, depending on the nature of the attack (stabbing or poison, e.g.). For every 5X you spent when plotting, your target suffers a −1 on their roll to resist. If your final result is equal to or greater than your target’s, they die. This entire process, if successful, can take place without the target knowing who is attacking them, your choice. If you fail but took reasonable steps to protect your identity, your target must make a dREA −X check to identify you.
Species powers
- Company soul (Permanent)
- You gain +125 voidguilders at character creation.
- Modern (Permanent)
- You gain a +1 bonus on rolls related to clank-, code-, or force-stratum tech.
- Voidborn (Permanent)
- Whenever the GM requires you to roll a WIL check because something in space is scary, you gain a +1 to the roll and don’t appear as phased as non-Fleeter characters. This does not apply to Escheresque nausea.
- Cosmopolitan style (Permanent)
- You gain a permanent bonus of +1 CHA.
- dagger
- Damage
- 2d4
- Description
- (well-made)
- chiv
- Damage
- d4
- Upholstery hammer
- Damage
- d4
- Human femur, weaponized, with nails sticking out of it
- Damage
- d4+1
- Shotgun, shot
- Damage
- 2d6
- Description
- Hits targets within a 30-M long, 1-M wide cone. Two-handed. If you shoot one-handed, you suffer a −1 to hit. Doubles as a club.
- DR
- 1
- Armor
- Gang jacket
- None.
You desire revenge against a single person who did you a terrible wrong. What did they do to cause the vivid nightmares that haunt you? What is your plan to get revenge?
- 190 gl
Oddments and archaetech
- Found oddment
- Longsword made of woven, shellacked hair: inflicts d4 damage, breaks on an attack roll of 1. Worth 233 gl.