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Yellow Sail Gleaner

Yellow Sail Gleaner
Place of origin
Spin, Chessenais
You are a normcore provincial farmer: each day, you complete a series of domestic tasks involving space butter and void cabbage, or something along those lines.
You have advantage on CHA checks to blend in or get away without being noticed (not MOV/sneak checks).
You have disadvantage on CHA/intimidate checks.
High status
A provincial intelligence officer. (Co. connections.).
Low status
Sex worker.
You fulfill your telos when you finally get back at the Bad Thing (whatever it is).

Class powers

Command (Standard)
Burn 5 GRT and give a non-suicidal command to someone who understands you; that person must act upon the command. This is not a Weird power, however, and thus can be overruled by the hell science.
Feed (Hour)
When not under direct threat, you pass around the beetle jerky and booze for a while. Burn 6 GRT: you and each person with you regains +dCHA (your CHA) +your level in pool, to be distributed between GRT and HEA however they like. Note, this takes one hour—not five, like normal resting.
Dispense (2 Round)
You use a powerful portable medigadget you have leased from the Archive to treat a wound. Burn 3 GRT: you recover or someone else recovers 3 +your level HEA and feels much better, thanks to drugs. You can also use this medigadget to synthesize chemicals: once per session, you can burn 3 GRT and spend d8 hours to manufacture street drugs worth 2d20 × your level gl, on-Spin, or 3d30 × your level, on the provinces. Dispense can be used on someone with 0 HEA: in this case, the person receiving healing wakes up, groggy and weak, and can act.
Detect (Standard)
Burn 3 GRT and call bullshit on something someone said: the GM must tell you if that something is a lie. This can’t counteract mind control; it just represents thinking deeply and trusting a gut instinct.

Species powers

Arthropod (Permanent)
You gain a permanent bonus of +1 MOV.
Mandibles, spiracles, etc (2 round)
You can metabolize a much greater range of chemicals than hominins, only a few of which are cognizable to them as “food”—from rotting fungusbark to human-urine energy shots. Whenever you encounter something possibly edible, make a WIL/resist world check. Take that result and roll as many d4s. For every resulting 4, you regain 1 point of pool, assigned to HEA or GRT as you like. (The GM gets final say on what things around you might be “edible,” but they should be generous!) Eating possible-food takes at least 20 seconds (two rounds).
Big spiky hard-shelled bug (Permanent)
You gain a permanent bonus of +1 COM.


Butter knife


  • None.


You were brought to Spindle as a child by a violet, many-limbed being that called itself "Malaki." It was always kind to you, but it claimed it was trading you to the Co. in exchange for something important. It told you never to seek it out...


  • Medigadget (leased from Co.)
  • 180 gl

Oddments and archaetech

Found oddment
Unhelpful celerioid demipet: this headless, six-limbed Qrey photobiont loves you and will follow you wherever you go, happily smashing its non-head into your knees and make slurping sounds as it drags itself in circles while you shake your head at it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t do much else besides this. It is basically a wolf made of celery, and it is too dumb to learn tricks or help in combat. But—in a bizarre way—it is cute. COM d2, MOV d4, REA 1, WIL d4, CHA d6, HEA 6, GRT 6, DR −1 (it takes +1 damage from every attack), no powers.