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Sleeper (Late Tephnii)
Place of origin
Great Tephnii
Spin, Late Tephnian
You find ways to convert organic waste into raw material for delicious insects.
You have advantage on checks regarding bio-stratum tech. But you stank.
You have disadvantage on CHA/seduce checks with Fleeters and provincials (conscripts and nonhumans don’t care) as well as MOV/sneak checks near hyper-olfactory species (most organic nonhumans).
High status
A shady but well-supplied ex-Archivist. (underworld connections.).
Low status
Code (re)developer.
You fulfill your telos when you protect yourself at all cost.

Class powers

Control nanofluids (Varies)
Your blood is infused with the Blood, capital B—the liquid suspension of nanites possessed ubiquitously during Late Tephnian civilization. The Blood acts according to your will, resculpting your body to give you insane powers but also making you… kind of insane. Choose 3 initial nanofluidics powers. Every subsequent level, you can choose 1 more nanofluidics power in addition to 1 other advanced power.
Overcharge (Free)
You can will your Blood nanites to do crazy things that are bad for them and you, and everything around you. When you overcharge, burn 8 +X GRT, minimum 1: add X to your initiative, dCOM checks, and damage rolls for the next X rounds. In addition, your offensive nanofluidics powers deal +2X damage. Every time you overcharge, make a WIL check: if you fail, you must act in some inappropriately over-serious way on your primary passion (your telos). This can put you or your comrades at risk; it doesn’t matter.
Artery-opening strike (Free)
Burn 2X GRT: your next successful attack causes bleed X.
Endure (Passive)
When you reach 0 HEA, if you have any GRT left, you don’t become prone. You can keep fighting until you win and don’t have to fight any more—at which point you immediately fall prone, exhausted—or you run out of GRT and die.
Cloak (Passive)
Burn 1 GRT: the Blood exudes from your skin, interacting with light in weird ways: you gain +3 to a MOV/sneak check. This power may be taken multiple times. You cannot turn this power off; it happens whenever you roll to sneak.
Hi-Fi (Standard)
Burn Xd10 GRT: your voice reverberates at an extremely high amplitude; you cause Xd10 damage and stun X to all target within a 10X-M range. This power does not work in environments without atmo. Your throat is sore for days after.
Strip (Standard)
Burn 4 GRT and name a physical (non-Weird) thing within a number of M, and having a mass in Kg, equal to or less than your level: that thing dissolves within seconds as your nanites strip it down into a pile of constituent molecules. That is, at 1st level, you can completely destroy any 1-Kg thing within 1 M. Non-Weird extradimensional things are not immune to strip but have a dark mass (due to their additional sub-pliated dimensions) determined by the GM. In earth atmosphere, the standard XD “blade,” for example, weighs not the expected 1 to 1.5 Kg (typical sword weight throughout most of human history) but d10 Kg.

Species powers

Cannibal (Standard)
You may wolf down roughly 1 Kg of human flesh to regain d6 HEA. If you do, make a REA check: success has no effect; failure makes you feel emotions and lose d6 GRT.
Enhanced (Permanent)
You gain permanent bonuses of +1 COM, +1 MOV, and +1 REA.
Insane (Permanent)
Your WIL is d4. Play this up! You have no common sense, and you don’t pay much attention to what’s going on around you, lost in a fog of memory.
Open mind (Standard)
You may burn 4 GRT to communicate with any being—intelligent or not, biological or informatic—for one minute. If you do so, the ancient things beyond time and space see you and send one minor “emissary” (bhaykee, starspawn, etc.) to “meet you” within 24 hours.
Remember (Standard)
Burn d6 GRT; you wrack your brain and recall some immediately useful detail, e.g., concerning archaetech. You also recall lots of painful things that you then obsess over for hours.


Thin steel rod
Makes an acceptable mini-spear when one end is sharpened.
Gun that shoots nails
Not a nailgun. Area-of-effect weapon, cone-shaped: the damage deteriorates every 2 M: from 3d4 −3 damage (within 2 M), to 2d4 −2 (2–4 M), to d4 −1 (4–6 M), and finally to 1 (6–8 M).


  • None.


You worked for a particularly sadistic director as a personal attaché. What horrors did you witness? Which did you participate in? Is this director still alive?


  • 120 gl

Oddments and archaetech

Found oddment
Hess trucks (or future version—starships) that can be remotely controlled.