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Provincial (Darasannais)
Place of origin
Spin, Theenish
You somehow command attention and thus money from ordinary people.
You have advantage on all CHA checks.
You have disadvantage on all WIL checks. When fans find you, they become angry if you don’t sign their ration cards, e.g.
High status
A high-ranking wetan mafioso. (Archival connections.).
Low status
You fulfill your telos when you help someone else in need.

Class powers

Tack (Standard)
Open, close, or change the destination of a stiffworks. Costs and mechanics vary by the works. Open stiffworks remain open for 10 minutes per tack… usually. Some stiffworks may be retacked (i.e., their destinations changed), although this varies by type.
Dive (Standard)
The ship is on fire—you have to get your party through the stuck bulkhead before the O2 combusts! (Or whatever!) This is your big getaway power. Burn 6 GRT and make a MOV check: if you succeed, you and some or all of your party make it out safely. You can bring 1 +your level humanoid-sized beings along with you to safety, or burn an additional 6 GRT to bring one additional being beyond your limit. Small sapient beings (0.5-M tall/long) count for half a slot; large sapes (3-M tall/long) count double; small pets (cat/beagle-sized) are free. If you fail your MOV check, you alone get away but injure yourself for 2d6 HEA damage.
Jack (Standard)
Use, alter, or repair tech. Burn XY GRT, where X is the stratum (type) of tech (ranked 1–7, clank [medieval], bio [contemporary on-Spin], code [Ancient, Early Tephnian], force [High Tephnian], nano [Late Tephnian, Snakeman], bug [cryptocerid, heechee, mantid, mi-go], Escheresque) and Y is the level of complexity (ranked 1–6, simple, standard, complex, corporate, military, godlike). Thus, a force artifact of standard complexity costs 4 × 2 = 8 GRT to interact with. Once this cost has been paid, the artifact functions as designed, within reason. A laser (standard force) keeps firing until it runs out of juice, which is up to the GM to determine (e.g., d20 charges). Repowering requires access to the appropriate resources and an additional use of this power.
Power up (Free)
You use tools to recharge a technical object or being. Burn X GRT; a technical entity gains X GRT. This GRT can stack beyond the entity’s normal limit. You can also use this power to add charges to energy weapons. The cost to do so depends on their type: burn 2X GRT to add X charges to a personal weapon; 3X GRT to add X charges to an Ancient or High Tephnian naval weapon; or 5X GRT to add X charges to an alien or Late Tephnian naval weapon.

Species powers

Provincial Homeworld: Darasan (Permanent)
Of unknown origin, this poor but populous province is incompletely terraformed: its cool hills and plains are home to poisonous native flora and no native fauna whatsoever. The three byzantine queendoms here are stable but cannot suppress rebellions. You speak Spin and Theenish. You gain +2 on checks specifically related to political/corporate intrigue.
Subject of empire (Permanent)
You gain a permanent bonus of +1 WIL.


Hatchet, formerly covered in dried alien blood
Does not glow in the dark.
Rock, hurled
Shotgun, slug
Normally two-handed. If you shoot one-handed, you suffer a −1 to hit. Doubles as a club.


  • None.


You once smoked the fabled Gharoudian Codex, a living "book" of fan-like fungal "pages" grown only in a three-room-blob section of the Archive called Little Kavaraat. This act was, of course, highly illegal and punishable by spacing (that is, death). Why did you do this? What did you learn? Does anyone know that you smoked an entire page of the Codex!?


  • Perfect Environment Suit
  • Sample Collection Kit
  • 210 gl

Oddments and archaetech

Found oddment
Axe head made of indestructible meteoric hypernickel.